måndag, maj 25, 2009

Save Water - Use Toilet/Sink Appliance!

Upplagd av liina |

In our everyday life we don’t usually think about how much water we actually waste when flushing toilet. It is such a common habit, we think there is not much we can do about it.

Now imagine, how surprised were we when we’ve found this extraordinary appliance. A slash toilet slash sink appliance!

How does it work?

The Australian Company Caroma has invented a unusual appliance which is called Profile Smart Dual Flush Toilet. This smart appliance is compilation of a toilet and a sink (assembled at the top of the toilet). While washing our hands the water from the sink flows to flush and is ready to be used (again).

This Caroma product was in 2008 recognised as the most inventive technological solution. As proven during tests, using this device can save up to70% of the water we normally use in our home!

Profile Smart Dual Flush Toilet is unfortunately only available on the Australian market. We will be waiting for it to appear in Europe. Who knows - it might ignite a small revolution in our homes - saving us money and saving the environment the precios water!

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